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Carla Parcianello

A wrap is rolling.
Heads are rolling
deep down, down, down

Am I hallucinating?

Red was everywhere
spiraling through the purple room
There you sent me —
seven, seven little red birds up my spine.

Capricciosa is a dance hallucination with a (dead) body and many, many bloody birds as its centerpiece. We encounter the body of a (wo)man constantly attacked by a storm of birds every time (s)he tries to stand on its feet, and we witness the struggles (s)he faces to reconcile with the situation (s)he finds in.

Will she accept being haunted for life? Will she try to wake up from this day-dream?

The solo is a self-portrait and a form of self-contemplation, utilising Whacking dance to explore the non-binary experience. It reflects the self as a fluid organism—constantly transforming, redefining, and evolving in response to self-judgment and the judgment of the world. It’s just a matter of perception, isn’t it?



14h10 & 18h10

Artistic direction & choreography / Carla Parcianello
Performance / KLARA
Sound design / Clelia Patrono
Light Design / Derege Wassenberg
Dramaturgy / Mike Van Halfen
Artistic advice / Aliènor H.
Costume design & styling / Brando Prizzon in collaboration with Lessico Familiare, Antonio Marras, Raptus & Roses
Co-production / City of Leuven, Mestizo Arts Platform
With the support of / Platform In De Maak, WISPER
Residencies / STUK, fABULEUS, Bodies in Space, Ballet Du Nord CCN&Vous!
Thanks to / Guillaume Maurel, Oihana Azpillaga, Claudia Quaglia

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