Platform In De Maak
Arthur Decock
There is no more humane act than entering into a love relationship. There is nothing more beautiful, nothing more intense, and nothing more intrinsically scary than opening one's own person to another, hoping to find "completeness" in merging with that other. One and one makes two, and two is complete. What does it mean on a fundamental level to enter into a relationship?
What makes us long all our lives for that complete merging with another person? And what does it mean when we do? In LOVE (part two of a four-part series of monologues about the fundamental human emotions), love is cast into language, in all its chaotic, raw, dirty, sticky and warm completeness.

12h30 & 15h
Text, concept and execution: Arthur Decock
Text coaching: Dounia Mahammed
Animation: Lasse Geudens
Dramaturgy: Johannes Lievens
With thanks to: deSingel, deFiguranten, wpZimmer, c o r s o, BROEDfestival, Zuidpool