Platform In De Maak
De vaste lijn
I make minimalist, sober and physical theater. The characters are always at a stage in which the element of 'waiting' plays a crucial role. Waiting for someone else, for an object (such as an elevator) or waiting for oneself. The characters seem to petrify and act from their suffering, pain and frustration. They are constantly looking for contact, emotionally or physically. In this delayed time an attempt to take action, a rejection or an inner frustration arises.
"You Didn't Make It"
"Keeping It Together"
What if the only thing you share is a son who doesn't return your calls? Mother and father are at home. The home telephone is their mainstay. Their search for answers leads to friction between the remaining family.
Direction / Coreography: Cinzia Scoglionero
Performance: Kyra Verreydt - Jonathan Michiels
Theater text: Fien de Smet
Scenography: Lobke Houkes Costumes: Zazie Bakos
Music: Victor Gybels
Coaching: Michai Geyzen