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Ibtissam Boulbahaiem

wewomb - Ibtissam Boulbahaiem


Platform In De Maak maker, editions: tftnh (2021), PLATEAU22 (2022) & anniversary edition 2022


wewomb - Ibtissam Boulbahaiem


two women

in one spot

waking up after a night of sleep

where to practice it


demonstrating it

and the not so simple existence

floats for a moment on the surface of nothingness

two women

who meet each other

and let each other sound and collide

in their story ponds

of the amniotic fluid that gave birth to them

where the wrinkles

caused by the vibrations of life

everyone who enters their place

seems to want to wake you up for a moment

two women

who want to shake shake shake

with you and with yourself

by vomiting vomiting vomiting

until the place overflows

and the roof over all heads softens

so that it collapses

and no one yet knows where the body wants to float to

so that all the souls who lie in wait for them

become one

and venture calmly

to dive into the foolish

credits//CONCEPT Ibtissam Boulbahaiem TEXT Ibtissam Boulbahaiem – with inspiring Britt Das and many other beautiful people with moving voices in the back of her mind PERFORMANCE Britt Das & Ibtissam Boulbahaiem MUSIC Georgy Chtchevaev COSTUME Zazie Bakos SCENOGRAPHY Gilles Pollak & Timme Transcript TECHNICAL SUPPORT Gilles Pollak with the help of Godfried Verschaffel PRODUCTION & STAGE ASSISTANCE Eva Rys COACH: Khadija El Kharraz Alami DRAMATURGY Khadija El Kharraz Alami & Peter Anthonissen SPECIAL THANKS TO (BIG) LUCA DRAMA (FAMILY) & Dagmar Dierick, Els Janssens, Sofie Saller, Lieve Hermans, Indy Vaes, Nadia Haddouch and Brahim Boulbahaiem, Ultima Vez, Zuidpool, Platform In De Maak, Landscape architect Gert Kwanten, Source of inspiration (Janine Antoni, Dounia Mahammed, Alejandra Smits, Tabita Rezaire, Samira Elagoz, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Flóra Anna Buda, Paul Verhaeghe,… )

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